Chunky statement earrings.

Look what one of my girlfriends bought for me from China's H&M. It's pretty chunky even though the picture may not seem so. I am thrilled, my first H&M buy. Haha, I am such a noob. Can't wait for the H&M boutique to open at Orchard Ion in July!
X-Men Origins: Wolverine, a must-watch!

Lace top from Mango, Jacket from Cotton On, Shoes from Mphosis.
Ps: My face complexion is getting worse by the day. ):
Give me sexyback!

I'll be starting temp work next Thursday, which means little or no outfit updates for that next 20 days. Black (company) polo tee, pants, and pumps for that 20 days, agony! Maybe I'll do a "what I would wear today" feature if time permits me to do so. (:
Tagged by Sushi.
What is your current obsession?
Studs, studs, and more studs, and inspirational quotes from movies, novels, whoever and wherever.
What do you like about fashion?
It's ever-changing! It surprises me all the time, every season.
What are you wearing today?
I wore a pair of black loose trousers, white topman v-neck tee and zipper sandals to my paternal grandmother’s cremation.
What's for dinner?
Peanut Butter Waffle, yum!
Why is today special?
Today was my paternal grandmother’s cremation day. She passed away two days ago hence the lack of update yesterday.
What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn more about fabrics for clothes. I think fabrics can make an impact on the clothes people wear.
What's the last thing you bought?
Shoes!! Shoe boutiques are like my kind of sex shops. Haha.
What are you listening to right now?
The news showing on the television.
What is your favorite weather?
Sunny cool weather, not sunny blazing/burning/perspiration-inducting hot weather (like these days).
What is your most challenging goal right now?
Finishing this, haha.
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Sushi has a very lovely and cute style!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Somewhere beautiful, facing the big blue ocean please, thank you very much.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
MONEY. $$$.$$$
What would you like to get rid of?
In the words of Missy Elliot, "I wish i could put all the player-haters on one planet so they could just hate on each other by themselves."
If you could go anywhere in the world for next hour, where would you go?
Which language do you want to learn?
Italian and Spanish.
What do you look for in a friend?
Loyalty and truthfulness.
Who do you want to meet right now?
The boyfriend. (: Nearing 4 years and still that one person I’ll always want to meet anytime!
What is your favorite color?
Gold and black!
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
My favorite piece of clothing will always been the newest item I bought. Currently, it’d be the pair of pants (and belt) from Bysi.
What is your dream job?
Editorial Stylist/Fashion Buyer.
Any favorite model?
Oh Coco (Rocha)!
If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
I need new clothes! The insatiable hunger for clothes will never die away.
Favorite designer?
Try hottest designer – Marc Jacobs!
What are you currently reading?
I’m rereading New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Twilight fan, yes!
What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Blindly following other people’s dress style and not knowing what works for oneself.
Do you admire anyone's style?
Wow loads! Just visit The Sartorialist and you’ll start the admiration right away!
Describe your personal style?
I dress according to my mood and to the situation. When I feel girly today, I’d put on a dress or skirt, or wear more ruffles, frills and floral. When I feel like it’s going to be a long day ahead, I’d throw on some basics but add something for a bit of spark to cheer myself up.
What are you going to do after this?
Reply comments. (:
What would you love to see come back in fashion?
I don’t know, surprise me!
Any inspirational quote you would like to share?
"There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy."
The rules:
1. respond and rework; answer the question on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own
2. Tag eight other people (but only if y'all want to. (:)
- janetteria
- flavoursofstyle
- cforchic
- abby
- shantee
- misscindee
- vintage tea
- AJ
Studs, studs, and more studs, and inspirational quotes from movies, novels, whoever and wherever.
What do you like about fashion?
It's ever-changing! It surprises me all the time, every season.
What are you wearing today?
I wore a pair of black loose trousers, white topman v-neck tee and zipper sandals to my paternal grandmother’s cremation.
What's for dinner?
Peanut Butter Waffle, yum!
Why is today special?
Today was my paternal grandmother’s cremation day. She passed away two days ago hence the lack of update yesterday.
What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn more about fabrics for clothes. I think fabrics can make an impact on the clothes people wear.
What's the last thing you bought?
Shoes!! Shoe boutiques are like my kind of sex shops. Haha.
What are you listening to right now?
The news showing on the television.
What is your favorite weather?
Sunny cool weather, not sunny blazing/burning/perspiration-inducting hot weather (like these days).
What is your most challenging goal right now?
Finishing this, haha.
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Sushi has a very lovely and cute style!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Somewhere beautiful, facing the big blue ocean please, thank you very much.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
MONEY. $$$.$$$
What would you like to get rid of?
In the words of Missy Elliot, "I wish i could put all the player-haters on one planet so they could just hate on each other by themselves."
If you could go anywhere in the world for next hour, where would you go?
Which language do you want to learn?
Italian and Spanish.
What do you look for in a friend?
Loyalty and truthfulness.
Who do you want to meet right now?
The boyfriend. (: Nearing 4 years and still that one person I’ll always want to meet anytime!
What is your favorite color?
Gold and black!
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
My favorite piece of clothing will always been the newest item I bought. Currently, it’d be the pair of pants (and belt) from Bysi.
What is your dream job?
Editorial Stylist/Fashion Buyer.
Any favorite model?
Oh Coco (Rocha)!
If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
I need new clothes! The insatiable hunger for clothes will never die away.
Favorite designer?
Try hottest designer – Marc Jacobs!
What are you currently reading?
I’m rereading New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Twilight fan, yes!
What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Blindly following other people’s dress style and not knowing what works for oneself.
Do you admire anyone's style?
Wow loads! Just visit The Sartorialist and you’ll start the admiration right away!
Describe your personal style?
I dress according to my mood and to the situation. When I feel girly today, I’d put on a dress or skirt, or wear more ruffles, frills and floral. When I feel like it’s going to be a long day ahead, I’d throw on some basics but add something for a bit of spark to cheer myself up.
What are you going to do after this?
Reply comments. (:
What would you love to see come back in fashion?
I don’t know, surprise me!
Any inspirational quote you would like to share?
"There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy."
The rules:
1. respond and rework; answer the question on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own
2. Tag eight other people (but only if y'all want to. (:)
- janetteria
- flavoursofstyle
- cforchic
- abby
- shantee
- misscindee
- vintage tea
- AJ
Crazy hot weather.

Tanktop from pull & bear, Pants (with belt) from bysi, Zipper sandals from mphosis
The weather these days has been downright crazy! So this called for an ice-cream date. Oh, and this explains my outfit too. Extremely weather-appropriate in my opinion.
3 years, 9 months.
New shoe buys.
The conversation.

Belt: Comes with a pair of pants I bought, Fedora: Cotton On, Shoes: Steve Madden
"Why are you wearing my sweatshirt baby?"
"Why not? You keep it at my place and you don't wear it anymore."
"You got to pay me for it. 10 dollars please." (he was joking)
"What?! No way."
"Pay up!"
"I'm just keeping it for you in case you need it for colder days or when we travel to colder (climate) countries."
"Yea okay, you're keeping it for me. But why are you WEARING it?"
"Errrrrr.. in case it gets too old and dusty in the closet?"
"Whatever babe!"
Good buy.

I bought this yesterday from a random cart store and I thought it is a really good buy! Not only can you conjure up ways to wear it as a bracelet (as shown in the pictures above, obviously there is more ways to wear it just that I have limited brain juice to spare =/) , it also doubles up as a necklace AND a waist belt at the same time!
Shawl Trick.

Shawl: f21, Dress: Cotton On, Bag: Mango, Shoes: DMK, Drink: my favorite Strawberry Bubble Tea!
(Shawl is secured using a gold safety pin and tada! A fringed top!)
Caught 17 Again today. I can shamelessly say that I am a Zac Efron girl now. Used to find him disgusting but now I think he's pretty hot after watching the movie. I am totally into teen/chick flicks, hahaha. Yea, I am so not intellectual at all. :D
I have zilch inspiration in dressing up these days. Well annnnyway, (a real!!!) shopping trip tomorrow with a girlfriend tomorrow! Hopefully the shopping trip will be a fruitful one!
Advert! (heh): The boyfriend is selling the Casio G-1100BD Gravity Defier watch. Brand new! It's retailing at SGD400 at G-Factory and he's selling it for SGD220. E-mail me at [email protected] for more information if interested. (:

Ps: Using tinypic now, thanks to abby for the suggestion!

Inner Tank, Studded Bag: f21, Denim over-sized shirt was my dad's, Shoes: Vincci
I've been digging into my mum's/dad's old fashion archives too much, I know. Haha. That's what happens when you get too poor to buy new stuff. The button blunder was deliberate. A kind Caucasian woman actually came up to me and told me discreetly about my button slip-up, hahaha. Hey, who said that buttons have to be at their rightful buttonhole? I say rules are meant to be broken. :D
White, Clean Socks.
Are you pronouncing the name correctly?
Unless you're Miss Know-It-All, I doubt any one of you are able to pronounce all designer brands confidently and correctly the first time. So I came upon this list from thechicspy and thought it'd be pretty cool to share it with you guys. (:
1. Abaeté: Ah-bye-ah-tay
2. Alejandro Ingelmo: Allay-handro In-gel-mo
3. Andrew Gn: Andrew Jen (rhymes with “ten”)
4. Andy Thê-Anh: An-dee Tay-Ann
5. Anya Hindmarch: Ahn-ya Heind-march
6. Arthur Mendonça: Ar-thur Men-doe-sa
7. Badgley Mischka: Badge-lee Meesh-ka
8. Balmain: Bal-mah
9. Bottega Veneta: Bo-tega Ven-e-ta
10. Bulgari: Ball-gah-ree
11. Burberry Prorsum: Bur-bur-ree Pror-some
12. Carolina Herrera: Caro-leena Hair-era
13. Cesare Paciotti: Che-sah-ray Pah-cho-tee
14. Chaiken: Chay-ken
15. Christian Lacroix: La-Kwa
16. Christian Louboutin: Loo-boo-tin (“tin” rhymes with the French word “vin”)
17. Diane von Furstenberg: Fur-sten-berg (pronounced as spelled)
18. Dries Van Noten: Drees Van Know-ten
19. Ermenegildo Zegna: Er-men-a-geel-do Zen-ya
20. Etienne Aigner: Eh-tee-yen On-yay
21. Gareth Pugh: Gareth Pew
22. Giles Deacon: Jy-els Dee-kin
23. Givenchy: Jee-von-shee
24. Giambattista Valli: Gee-ahm-battista Valley
25. Hedi Slimane: Eddy Sli-mahn
26. Hermès: Air-mez
27. Hervé Léger: Air-vay Lay-jay
28. James Perse: James Perse (as in a lady’s purse, not ‘pierce your ear’)
29. Joeffer Caoc: Joe-fur Kay-ock
30. Junya Watanabe: Joon-ya Wah-tah-nah-bay
31. Lambertson Truex: Lam-bert-son Tru-ex
32. Lanvin: Lon-vin (“vin” also rhymes with the French word for “wine”)
33. L’Wren Scott: Le-ren Skot
34. Loewe: Low-ev-ay
35. Louis Vuitton: Loo-ee Voo-ee-ton
36. Madame Gres: Madame Gray
37. Marchesa: Mar-kay-sa
38. Mainbocher: Maynbo-shay
39. Moschino: Mo-ski-no
40. Monique Lhullier: Mo-neek Loo-lee-ay
41. Narciso Rodriguez: Nar-siss-so Ro-dree-gez
42. Nicolas Ghesquière: Ni-co-la Guess-ki-air
43. Olivier Theyskens: Oli-vier Tay-skins
44. Pierre Cardin: Pee-air Car-dain
45. Proenza Schouler: Pro-enza Skool-er
46. Ralph Lauren: Ralph Lauren (as in Lauren the girl’s name, not Sophia Loren)
47. Rei Kawakubo: Ray Kah-wah-koo-bo
48. Rodarte: Ro-dar-tay
49. 6267: Six-two-six-seven (not Sixty-two-sixty-seven)
50. Sonia Rykiel: Sonia Ree-kee-eel
51. Sophia Kokosalaki: So-fee-a Ko-ko-sah-lah-kee
52. Thakoon: Ta-koon
53. Thierry Mugler: Tee-air-ree Moog-lay
54. Tibi: Tbi (not Tee-bee)
55. Tocca: Toe-ka
56. Versace: Ver-sah-chee
57. Vionnet: Vee-oh-nay
58. Yohji Yamamoto: Yo-jee Ya-ma-mo-to
59. Yves Saint Laurent: Eve San Lor-ron
60. Zac Posen: Poe-zen
Oh so Lanvin is pronounced like that!
1. Abaeté: Ah-bye-ah-tay
2. Alejandro Ingelmo: Allay-handro In-gel-mo
3. Andrew Gn: Andrew Jen (rhymes with “ten”)
4. Andy Thê-Anh: An-dee Tay-Ann
5. Anya Hindmarch: Ahn-ya Heind-march
6. Arthur Mendonça: Ar-thur Men-doe-sa
7. Badgley Mischka: Badge-lee Meesh-ka
8. Balmain: Bal-mah
9. Bottega Veneta: Bo-tega Ven-e-ta
10. Bulgari: Ball-gah-ree
11. Burberry Prorsum: Bur-bur-ree Pror-some
12. Carolina Herrera: Caro-leena Hair-era
13. Cesare Paciotti: Che-sah-ray Pah-cho-tee
14. Chaiken: Chay-ken
15. Christian Lacroix: La-Kwa
16. Christian Louboutin: Loo-boo-tin (“tin” rhymes with the French word “vin”)
17. Diane von Furstenberg: Fur-sten-berg (pronounced as spelled)
18. Dries Van Noten: Drees Van Know-ten
19. Ermenegildo Zegna: Er-men-a-geel-do Zen-ya
20. Etienne Aigner: Eh-tee-yen On-yay
21. Gareth Pugh: Gareth Pew
22. Giles Deacon: Jy-els Dee-kin
23. Givenchy: Jee-von-shee
24. Giambattista Valli: Gee-ahm-battista Valley
25. Hedi Slimane: Eddy Sli-mahn
26. Hermès: Air-mez
27. Hervé Léger: Air-vay Lay-jay
28. James Perse: James Perse (as in a lady’s purse, not ‘pierce your ear’)
29. Joeffer Caoc: Joe-fur Kay-ock
30. Junya Watanabe: Joon-ya Wah-tah-nah-bay
31. Lambertson Truex: Lam-bert-son Tru-ex
32. Lanvin: Lon-vin (“vin” also rhymes with the French word for “wine”)
33. L’Wren Scott: Le-ren Skot
34. Loewe: Low-ev-ay
35. Louis Vuitton: Loo-ee Voo-ee-ton
36. Madame Gres: Madame Gray
37. Marchesa: Mar-kay-sa
38. Mainbocher: Maynbo-shay
39. Moschino: Mo-ski-no
40. Monique Lhullier: Mo-neek Loo-lee-ay
41. Narciso Rodriguez: Nar-siss-so Ro-dree-gez
42. Nicolas Ghesquière: Ni-co-la Guess-ki-air
43. Olivier Theyskens: Oli-vier Tay-skins
44. Pierre Cardin: Pee-air Car-dain
45. Proenza Schouler: Pro-enza Skool-er
46. Ralph Lauren: Ralph Lauren (as in Lauren the girl’s name, not Sophia Loren)
47. Rei Kawakubo: Ray Kah-wah-koo-bo
48. Rodarte: Ro-dar-tay
49. 6267: Six-two-six-seven (not Sixty-two-sixty-seven)
50. Sonia Rykiel: Sonia Ree-kee-eel
51. Sophia Kokosalaki: So-fee-a Ko-ko-sah-lah-kee
52. Thakoon: Ta-koon
53. Thierry Mugler: Tee-air-ree Moog-lay
54. Tibi: Tbi (not Tee-bee)
55. Tocca: Toe-ka
56. Versace: Ver-sah-chee
57. Vionnet: Vee-oh-nay
58. Yohji Yamamoto: Yo-jee Ya-ma-mo-to
59. Yves Saint Laurent: Eve San Lor-ron
60. Zac Posen: Poe-zen
Oh so Lanvin is pronounced like that!
Dress-down Monday.

Tank from Mango, Sandals from Schu, Studded bag from f21, Tie-dye stocking/"hand-warmer"/sash bought from flea at Home Club.
So today I headed to Tampines 1, the new shopping mall in Tampines (duh, haha), with a girlfriend. The main purpose was to check out Uniqlo, Japan's number one casual wear brand's first ever store in Singapore. The crowd was crazy, probably due to the opening sale going on (until 19 April!). Luckily we got in before they implemented the queue system, heh.

Taken using the handy iphone.
What I got myself from a random boutique:

New shoes!
My mum headed up to Genting Highlands (in Malaysia) for the long weekend and bought me a pair of heels from a shoe boutique named Vincci (I heard from a fellow Malaysian ex-colleague that it's like the Charles n Keith of Singapore). Though the heels are a tad bit short for my liking, I love the intertwining details and the mustard color!

Sorry for the horrible quality of the photos!

Sorry for the horrible quality of the photos!
Flea tomorrow!

Inner tanktop from Topshop, Jacket was my mum's, Heels from Aldo.
I'm stealing from my mum's closet again, haha. She don't wear it anymore anyway! I love the thick padded shoulders and its design on it, annnnd the color is a plus! Oh I love my mum. :D
Anyhow, I promised to give a verdict on the Aldo platform pumps, so here goes. Well, it currently has the highest heels in my shoes collection but actually, the height is not the problem. The size is a tad big for me so my heels kind of slips up and down the shoes when I walk, which is extremely irritating. I stuck on paddings at the back of the heel but it's not really helping as much as I want it to. If you guys know anything that can help, please let me know! In all, I love it! If not for that. ):
So anyway, I will be opening a stall with my darling sister tomorrow (only) at Mount Sophia in Dhoby Ghaut. Drop by if you can! I will be selling away my mesh heels because it's a tad bit small for me. ): Selling things cheap, hoping to see you girls (hello fellow Singaporeans!) there. (:

Mrs Beckham looking good in Balmain.
That's hot.

source: tfs
I can't believe that I'm actually posting about Paris Hilton but I have to say that this is a decent outfit on her, for once. Believe it or not, I am ashamed to say that I own a Confessions of an Heiress book. But it's all in the past now, please do not condemn me. :D
I wish I was there to catch a flight.

Dress from cotton on, Shirt from mango, Heels from local shoe boutique DMK, Studded Bag and necklace from f21, bracelet from pull n bear.
This is my "GOD-I-don't-know-what-to-wear-damn-it-I-really-need-to-get-out-of-the-house-NOW-let-me-just-throw-this-on-just-fuck-it" outfit. Hahahaha.
WINDOW-shopping date.
Was planning to stay at home the whole day to do up my portfolio yesterday but my sister wanted to head out to town. I agreed half-heartedly because I knew it would be a window-shopping experience for me. But nonetheless, I had fun at the end of the day. Hm, I almost forgot I had a sister whom I can talk to and have fun with because we're always doing our own separate stuffs.

Inner tank top from topshop, Vest was my mum's, DIY Brown Studded Bag, DIY leggings from Cotton On, Heels from Mphosis.

Check out her Marc Jacobs bag she got at SGD300 from her ultra-rich friend who used it like, two times! Jealous!
Anyway.. When we were browsing around in On Pedder, the shopkeeper decided to present me with this and said "You'll like this."..

source: stylebyme
You bet I do like this! But I'm sorry Mr. Shopkeeper, I can't afford this at the moment! =/ He was really sweet and friendly though, I like. (:

Inner tank top from topshop, Vest was my mum's, DIY Brown Studded Bag, DIY leggings from Cotton On, Heels from Mphosis.

Check out her Marc Jacobs bag she got at SGD300 from her ultra-rich friend who used it like, two times! Jealous!
Anyway.. When we were browsing around in On Pedder, the shopkeeper decided to present me with this and said "You'll like this."..

source: stylebyme
You bet I do like this! But I'm sorry Mr. Shopkeeper, I can't afford this at the moment! =/ He was really sweet and friendly though, I like. (:
Same dress, Different outfit.

Fedora from Cotton On, Dress from Pull n Bear, Stockings bought online and Shoes from local shoe boutique and Studded Bag from f21.
Very interesting tagline outside On Pedder, a shoe boutique that carries brands like Alaïa, Alexander McQueen, Alexander Wang, Ann Demeulemeester, Balenciaga, Balmain, Chloé, Christian Louboutin, Dolce & Gabbana, Dries Van Noten, Giuseppe Zanotti Design, Givenchy, Jimmy Choo, Junya Watanabe, Lanvin, Maison Martin Margiela, Marc Jacobs, Marni, Miu Miu, Nicholas Kirkwood, Pierre Hardy, Repetto, Rick Owens, Sergio Rossi, Stella McCartney, Valentino and Yves Saint Laurent. Yes, and in this scenario, cash is king. =/
I suck at interviews.
Someone asked me once what's my most favorite look of all time. I think it's a pair of black or blue denim jeans paired with a white fitted razorback tank top. And that's not all, the woman donning this look has got to have the right figure and the correct body proportion. YUM, INEXPLICABLE HOTNESS. Alas, this look is definitely a look that I cannot carry off well. =/

Second-hand blouse from online, Skirt from GG<5 and Shoes from local shoe boutique.
This is what I wore to a university interview today. I can only say that I seriously lack the skills and qualities required in an interview. Period. Argh. ):

Second-hand blouse from online, Skirt from GG<5 and Shoes from local shoe boutique.
This is what I wore to a university interview today. I can only say that I seriously lack the skills and qualities required in an interview. Period. Argh. ):
Kate Moss for Topshop Lust List.
Once again, very evidently, the Kate Moss for Topshop line speaks of Kate Moss' love for vintage. And here is my lust list!

source: topshop
From clockwise:
- Studded Hipster Belt
- Sequin Mini Dress
- Corset Bandeau Dress
- Knitted Flapper Dress
- Lace Body
- Art Deco Top
My top two favorites:

Diamante Mini Dress

Jewel Wing Jacket
Sings "If I was a rich girl, na, na....".

source: topshop
From clockwise:
- Studded Hipster Belt
- Sequin Mini Dress
- Corset Bandeau Dress
- Knitted Flapper Dress
- Lace Body
- Art Deco Top
My top two favorites:

Diamante Mini Dress

Jewel Wing Jacket
Sings "If I was a rich girl, na, na....".