Give me sexyback!

I'll be starting temp work next Thursday, which means little or no outfit updates for that next 20 days. Black (company) polo tee, pants, and pumps for that 20 days, agony! Maybe I'll do a "what I would wear today" feature if time permits me to do so. (:
awww, no more outfit pictures :( but good luck in your job!
Welcome to Club21? :)
Sooo chic, darling lady!
Aw, sad! I'm gonna miss you posting your outfits!!!
i love everything in this look. especially the top and the shoes. you definitely pulled it off very well!
I am gonna miss your outfit posts !! love your killer heels. its always looking so good (:
and where are you working at? (: dont worry 20 days would be over before you even know it!
definitely sexyback! Goodluck on the job!
whoa i thought that was quite a little too conservative and black for hot days, or was it worn on a rainy day few days back ?
anyway care to share what's your job ? interested cause your job outfit sounds the same as mine. probably most temps have to dress like that ?
good luck at your job !
Shantee - I may be doing a "what i would wear" feature so look out for it, if not I'll be posting up inspirational pictures! (: Thanks!
Cel - Club 21??? (:
janettaylor - Heh, thank you! (:
pinky - Heh, I may be doing a "what i would wear" feature so do look out for it, if not I'll be posting up inspirational pictures! (
OverdressedMe - Thank you!!
Lynette - I'll be working temp at Robinsons as a sales associate (a nicer name for salesperson, haha!). I may be doing a "what i would wear" feature so do look out for it, if not I'll be posting up inspirational pictures! (:
clareassiral - Heh, thank you!!!
janelle - I'll be working temp at Robinsons as a sales associate (a nicer name for salesperson, haha). I wore it yesterday. (: It's not that bad because the fabric is not too thick. Plus the back ensures ventilation, hahaha.
may i know where's the outfit from?
wooo i see, yup under same company as you also :)
hi - It was my mum's from 20 years ago. (:
janelle - Cool! So you'll be working temp as well for the GSS?
oh no, i've been away for a few days and now i've just read that you won't be doing outfit posts?=(
what's temp work? sorry if i sound totally ignorant. hehe...well good luck and hope you get some good experience and shopping money from it.;p haha...
i love your top, you always have these amazing tops, the ones that you won't normally see on anyone else.=)
abby - Heh thanks! I may be doing a "what i would wear" feature so do look out for it, if not I'll be posting up inspirational pictures! Temp means temporary, I'll only be working for 20 days. (:
you're hot! More outfit pictures, love it love it! keep up the good work!