My room v.89469326903

I got the paper cup on my birthday, three years back I think. I remembered I was fighting with my girlfriends over the animals printed on the cup heheheh. It's been my handy stationary holder ever since.

Stack of magazine I collected the previous year. My friend, Mario, wins hands down. He has two cabinets full of magazines. Vogue Italia... Vogue Germany... Vogue Japan... vintage Vogues... you name it, he got it.

Part of my cheap sunglass collection.

Miu Miu poster behind my iPod speakers.

Got this from Andy's social night event at Mandarin Oriental.

Hooked on Tap Ranch! Haha.

A zebra-printed storage box and a basket I haven't gotten around to return to a girlfriend!

Accessories I bought from the on-going Diva sale.
Currently nursing a back injury so I've not been able to exercise. It's depressing because exercising has always been my form of therapy. On an even more depressing note, school is one week away and we have this crazy project to be completed and presented within 5 days. Hello to sleepless nights and dehydrated brain juices.
those accessories are bangin'! i can relate with the overflowing magazines! i can't get enough! i've accumulated more than my room can handle! haha. happy new year becks! keep those posts comin'! i've always been a fan! :)
cool room! i have a stack of magazines here too haha happy 2011!
<a href=>heyrocketgirl</a>
IlikeIlikeIlike your blog :)
IlikeIlikeIlike your blog :)
i like the mix of high fashion and cute stuff in your room! i remember that you have those chibi maruko chan figurines hehe (i still watch chibi maruko chan whenever it's on animax ;p). work has been incredibly stressful so i sort of went back to being a lurker in your blog and didn't get to comment much. i remember that bathroom that i got at klapsons had this humongous door and a blah shower hehe but overall it was a comfortable stay.:)
Beautiful room you have there ;-)