elle.com: global street style

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source: elle.com.
Top: club marc, belt: bysi, shoes: from korea

During the shoot:

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Many thanks to James from La Mode Outre!

Postat av: thefashionguitar

COOL!!! You look amazing girl, great outfit!

It's my dream to be featured at ELLE or another fashion website...

xo Charlotte


2011-04-26 @ 17:05:41
URL: http://www.thefashionguitar.com
Postat av: Rebecca from See You in Sweden

that looks so great! powerful but feminine :)

2011-04-27 @ 03:51:02
URL: http://www.seeyouinsweden.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Ru

Gorgeous babe! Professional looking! :)

2011-04-27 @ 05:27:46
URL: http://musicplayson.onsugar.com
Postat av: Crystal from sugarhoneyicelemontea

Wow! You look so in control! Girl power. =)

2011-04-27 @ 11:26:02
Postat av: Brittany

WOAH. you look amazing :] work it in front of the camera <3

2011-04-27 @ 15:08:20
URL: http://rabbitlace.blogspot.com/
Postat av: WENDY

omg Congratulations on the elle.com feature! It must have been great, awesomeness! :D

btw, that outfit spells FIERCE, cool :)


2011-04-28 @ 05:34:04
URL: http://blackcoffeecrumbs.blogspot.com
Postat av: nasia

wow becks!!! congratulations on the feature!!! you deserve it because you are a true woman of style! :)

2011-04-28 @ 06:51:57
URL: http://nasche.tumblr.com
Postat av: Ivy

lookin' calm, cool and collected, becks! so happy for you ♥ keep it up!

2011-04-28 @ 09:21:56
URL: http://mute-mode.blogspot.com
Postat av: a.n.e

woot!great to see Singapore streetstyle in elle.com!!

Your pix look great!!!

2011-04-30 @ 11:06:21
URL: http://www.accessoryofcrime.com

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