Bigger man with the bigger heart

I had two hamsters when I was in secondary school and still dating my ex, so clearly I had them named after the both of us. It was during the time when our relationship soured, amusingly that had an impact on the hamsters. They started fighting too, literally. Haha. The rest is history. I think I'm getting myself a hamster again. This time I'll be a better owner.
Internship starts next Monday. Not working for a big company but I'm excited knowing what's in store for me. Project datelines during internship though, it's going to be a busy end of the year!
Haha love the story about the hamsters!
Good luck with the internship ^_^
You've inspired me to dig out my waistcoats....
Good luck babe, love your outfit! : ) xx
where are you interning at?:)
so hip! you always spice up any outfit! :) you're story is so cute! it amused me. good luck with your internship! :)
zi - Missypixie! (:
i promise to be a good boss!!
Me and B are thinking of getting a hamster too. we want a puppy but we are not all day so :(
love this outfit, like every other outfit of yours. You just know what to wear.
we love this story! Good luck with your internship!
love your outfit!! :)
Hi! I'm ur avid reader and I'm wondering if u cud tell me where u get that checkered vest from.? Hope to hear frm u soon :)
Anonym - Hi there! It belongs to my mum from more than a decade ago! (: