Emotions on/off

What I purchased from f21.com (feather accent necklace and sparrow connector ring) and local departmental store Metro (jovial magenta matte nail lacquer) recently. I knew I could have gotten the nail lacquer at f21.com at USD0.99 (on sale here), yet I bought it at approximately USD7.20 at the store instead. I have no idea what got into my head, haha.
Andy's officially leaving for Aussie next Tuesday. It's hard but I guess I should enjoy my temporary single status for the next 6 weeks!
Ps: I finally got down to figuring out how to extend the width of my entry area, so larger images next time!
Pps: The Sorcerer's Apprentice out tomorrow! Visit the website (on the sidebar) to find out more!
Postat av: Jen H
i love these purchases you made, especially the ring! i've been meaning to try out some matte nail polish for a while now! :)
Postat av: jasna
Fab purchases babe : ) Hope your well xx
Postat av: Kari
I love the ring, and the other things as well :)
Postat av: fashfix
faster show us worn look of the feather necklace and bird ring :)
Postat av: camerafilmroll
fashfix - I ordered it online so I'm still waiting excitedly for them to arrive! (: