The new generation.

source: planetawesomekid
We follow fashion streetstyles around the world online. So here's another one for you to follow, only that it's all about kids! And they are all so cute!
Postat av: kurarin
ahh adorable! the one in polka dot and stripes is so saying "i'm going to rule over all of you one day".
Postat av: Dena
OMG soooo adorable. The boys are so and girls so cute.
Postat av: Jess
haha this is SO how i'm going to dress my kids :P
Postat av: Dena
it's me again lovely.drop by the blog...something awaits you x
Postat av: Ilse
aww that's too cute! they're gonna take over the fashion world one day for sure.
Postat av: u-ung
cute and stylish kids!!! so gorgeous they are!!
Postat av: emily
aw, this is adorable. :) my favorite is the last little boy, with his foot up on the curb...
Postat av: Kristy
Wow, the one in suit is working it! :D