
Tank: Pull & Bear, Shorts: Cotton On, Shoes: Schu, Bag: Kikki K
Ps: No DI was done, I am amazed by how ridiculously long my legs look in the pictures. I assure you that this is not so in real life.
you know I stumbled uppon your blog accidentally while browsing clothes and trends online:) I enjoy your entries very much! your clothes are fabulous and you're amazingly cute and pleasant to look at- better than a real model (in my oppinion). Keep up the great entries- it's a pleasure to read and view them :) I check your blog everyday thus I hope you'll update more often! thank you for your beautiful blog :)
You pull off high waistlines quite nicely! My torso looks too short when I try them. It's very sad.
i love how classy you make shorts look with that scarf and heels. great suspenders as well!
Idile, Katherine, kurarin - Thank y'all for commenting. <3
you look gorgeous on that outfit! love the scarf
wherever you live has nice weather--i'm jealous
i love your outfit it's too cutee!
i love all your outfits :) question: how does one get a chictopia account?
L - You can sign up here - (:
i need a referral code! ):
love the scarf. so classy :)
question : Does yr feet not hurt walking around Spore ?! I know Singaporeans walk a lot. LOL