source: stylesightings, via knightcat

So I did a bit of slashing on my denim shorts, cut off a little bit of the seams on the right back pocket and stuck studs on them, immediately after I saw the picture above. I wish my studs were bigger though. And yea, I dropped a stud. Maybe it's because I didn't use fabric glue and also, I wore it out as soon as I finished the diy. Haha, I just can't wait, can I.
Maybe I should cut off the seams right to the end and stick on more studs. What do y'all think? (:
Very pretty rebecca!Like the shorts!Whr u purchase tht top btw?
ps/ Im your daily reader so plz update more!! :>
So cute!! What a great idea! Im definitely going to try that out one day soon.
Hi that's nice! Where did you get the studs from? Oh. I think you should stick down the flap, I dont quite think you should stick studs on the entire pocket. It's nicer this way!
wanling - I bought it off online. Thanks for your support anyway! (:
Ziling - Thanks! Remember to use fabric glue, haha!
Fiona - Thank you! I got it off online. (: Yup, what I meant was stick down the flap, haha!
omg you are so adorable!
and nice DIY! I've never seen this open pocket flap studded design before. very interesting. loving all your outfit posts.
I'm going to add you to my favourite links. i hope you don't mind :)
Sindy - Heh, thank you so much! :D And of course I don't mind, have linked you too! (:
Ah you were quick to DIY! I love it. Your version looks so great
Visit me at <a href="">Vintage Tea</a>!
vintage tea - Thank you! (:
Where online did you get your studs? You did a fantastic job!!