New loots.

Two pairs of sandals my lovely sister bought for me in Taiwan: (along with two fedoras, a studded top and skirt, a pair of denim leggings and two lace tops. God I love her!)

heyheyheyyyy show off your two fedoras, a studded top and skirt, a pair of denim leggings and two lace tops ! i want to seeeeeeeeeeee =)
anyway where is loots from the first three pics from ? they look goooddddddd
aren't you lucky the one?! can i exchange my sister for yours? kidding!! i love my sister to bits.
Your sandals remind me of the same one that childhood flames' has. Cant wait to see the outfits you'll come up with them shoes! :)
Oh! Your nails are so cute! Mad cute! :)
SO the shoes are SUPER! love the studs but you know what really stands out, that pink nail polish! LOVE IT!
HOT. Where u from by the way? You're using a swedish site to blog, aren't you?
hi becks! wow, i wish i have a sister too.=( and one that is in tune with fashion and generous like yours. anyway, when can we see the other new stuff that you got?=D hope you'll enjoy the rest of the weekend! tc!
so jealous! i wish i had a sister... ANYONE who would do that for me haha
I love Face Shop!!!
That pink nailpolish looks awesome with the shoes
Ahh so cute! I love the first and third sandals and that nail polish is fantastic! x Sushi
Very gorgeous shoes! And I love the nail polish, great color!!
X, fashion-nerdic.
I really like the sunglasses=)
Jag har öppnat en alldeles egen webshop, hoppas du kikar in o hittar ngt du gillar;)
Cool gladiators!
Have a great Sunday, darling!
Awsome sandals Becks!! xxx
I can't figure it out, where do you live/come from? :D
janel - Haha, I won't be showing all! The first pair of sandals are from Far East Plaza and the sunglasses are from Cotton On and Far East Plaza respectively. (:
daphne - Hahaha, yea I'm lucky I have a lovely sister! (:
Samira - Thanks! I'm from Singapore. I like the layout (although it's simple but I think it's very neat) and I'd much prefer the url compared to or hence the reason why. (:
abby - Heh, thank you on her behalf! I won't be posting all of them. (: Hope you had a nice weekend!
Josefin - I live in Singapore! (:
daphne, AJ, mikki, miranda, Anonym, Fashion Victim, Ilanka, Nadia, Linda, linda, fashionjazz - Thank y'all for commenting, lovelies! (:
najs :D Were are the white sunglasses from?
venla - The white sunglasses are from a local accessories boutique! (: