Be strong.

Dress: Zara, Bag: Nine West, Shoes: Steve Madden, Earrings: H&M
Working at the gallery tomorrow, yay to quick cash!
You look really nice!!
Love yout dress<3 ! :D
And nice bag :D
I love Ur dress...
Do you wear shorts underneath dresses that short? Sorry for asking! At least I'll know how to match next time. Haha.
new dress and new bag?;p i so envy your figure! and hair haha...i cut my hair short a couple of months back. although it was not intentional, the stylist and i had different concepts of what a 2-inch trim should be. i know you have your hair up here but i just miss having long hair so much whenever i see your other pics.;p what do you do in the gallery by the way?
totally loving that dress!
you look amazing!
so chic!!! cute as ever! :)
Such a cute outfit, love your smile.
loving your bag!
cute as always, love how ur rockin that super short hemline!
i like your bag! and you look awesome as always ;)
You look super cute as always i like the scoop in the back a lot!
Pretty! (:
Love your style!
Aww what a sweet dress!! It fits you perfectly. Is that the one you got for sale at Zara? X) Gosh I wish I could wear something as short and breezy as that and still look as great!! The weather's been a total bitch lately.
I do think your best feature is your lovely smile! =D
Anonymous - I do! I wear a pair of "safety" black shorts underneath. (:
abby - Yes! New Zara dress and bag from Macau. :D I do stock-taking at the art gallery! I've never seen a picture of you before, really wanna know how my loyal reader looks like! Heh. (:
meiqing - Is this THE Mei Qing? Haha! Thanks for dropping by! (: And it's time we do a meet up okay!
tis serendipity - Thank you! (: "The weather's been a total bitch lately." I totally agree! It's too hot!!! Grrrr. And yes, the Zara dress is the one I got from Macau! Heh.
Bea, Janscii., janettaylor, miranda, nasia, Ilanka, Christina, Deanne, cryst, Sylvia - Thank y'all for commenting! (:
I love the whole look. i think you work every clothing you wear!(: dying to have your heels too X:
Y.M - Heh, thank you! (:
you look sooo cute in that outfit!!!:)
cookie - Heh thank you! (:
I love your style! It's so inspiring. <3
And your shoes.... love.
And I'm going to be making my own blog (again) soon... Hopefully, we can exchange links.
Anonym - Thank you! (: Let me know when you've a blog and we'll exchange links!
oh, so cute <3
so sweet :)
love your dress!
Rebecka <3, tove - Thank y'all! (:
Rebecka <3, tove - Thank y'all! (:
nuff love for cfr, ye (L)
Hi I totally love your dress :) So cute! Did you have the hemline cut? or is that the real length? Coz the same dress seemed to be too long for me :(