What's in my bag.
From clockwise: M by MJ wallet (a gift from the bf as a advanced 4th anniversary present. Thanks baby! (:), Ipod Nano, Antiseptic wipes (started using this due to the recent H1N1 medicial situation), a pack of tissue, Canon Ixus 70, Clorets sugar-free mint, Nivea lip balm, a comb and my Nokia E71 phone.
Finally a what's in my bag post! Nothing interesting but these are my daily essentials whenever I head out.
Anyhow, Lynn (so sorry if it's not your name!! it's in your e-mail address so I figured it is. :D) tagged me with this "award". Thank you so much dear! A nice and friendly fellow Singaporean blogger I deem as a friend (if you don't mind, heh) is exactly what I need in blogosphere! (:
"This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.“When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to the said person so everyone knows she/he is real. Choose a minimum of seven blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have seven friends. Show the seven random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then pass it on!”
1. I splurge on shoes. I would willingly spend $200 on a pair of shoes than a bag/dress/shirt/whatever!
2. I need french fries in my life! My mum used to fry a big plate for me as a snack every few days! Now I'm facing the consequences. =/
3. I worry too much, especially about my future. I think about it every single day it makes me sick.
4. I collect "fashion language statements" to improve my ability to write (fashion journalism), just like in secondary school when my english teacher made us keep a jottle book to write down idioms to aid in our composition writing. Whenever I read a fashion magazine/blog and I see a statement that inspires me, I'll note it down.
5. I think I'm good at angles, seeing how much thinner I look in photographs when in reality, it's not always the case.
6. One of my favorite pastimes is reading quotes, any kinds of quotes. Quotes inspire me.
7. I feel that I look thinner after exercising each time. It's all in the mind, I know. Haha. I just can't help it!
There! Oops I can only think of 7, heh!
I love seeing what's in your bag but somehow I feel like I shouldn't be looking in it, LOL! MJ wallet is super cute as well as your shoes in your last post!!! Went to the Venetian the first time last year, it's beautiful! Hope you guys had the best time :) Congratulations on the award!
xx Ela
p.s. new to this whole blogging thing, do drop by when you have a moment :)
i totally get number 7!
Ha now i feel guilty for not taking any idioms down during english lesson. >< and im like sitting for my 'O's and my idioms are not fantastic. actually im just wondering which secondary school are you from? I can totally understand if you dont want to disclose the information(:
Take care.(:
cute post.;p i'm actually guilty of lugging around so many things which may explains why my back/shoulder hurts sometimes.=( i'm guilty of #3 hehe...which is why i tend to overwork and now i'm paying for it because i always feel tired. blogs (like yours) are something that i enjoy reading during my writing breaks, i forget about the stress and well, i just really enjoy fashion too.;p
oh yeah, i haven't been taking pictures of myself lately, but i guess this will do: http://www.flickr.com/photos/meibei/3679210598/
i don't have much pics stored in my eee (just vanity shots) and i'm kinda embarrassed to show those. at least you'll have an idea of what i look like. the guy btw is my bf, alvin.;p
Hello !
First time i come across your blog so im gonna visit it now :)
well if you wanna see my daily collage inspirations, visit boubouteatime if you have some time,
A bientot,
Boubou xx
AH! Been waiting for this :) Awesome wallet! i heart the color!
Love the post!
Great wallet btw!
X, fashion-nerdic.
Hi becks, looking good with the floral dress in the previous post!
I like ur answers and i like to gather quotes/terms while browsing thru fashion mags n i will tear apart n keep for my future reference (i know not a good habbit though, i should have just jotted down)! :)
Answer: Thank you :D :D
I so need french fries too :)
Y.M - Start doing it now! (: I was from Seng Kang Secondary, heh. Take care too dear!
abby - Heh, thanks for dedicating that picture to me (note title)! (: You have a very shapely eyebrows and your eyes are pretty!
Ela, Anonym, boubou, AJ, Ilanka, Maggie, Mari - Thank y'all for commenting dears! (:
Yes after reading your post. im starting to read more. :D oh Seng Kang. That's very far from my school. HAHAHA.
Becks where is salvation army??? i need cheap stuffs!
Great post!And awww yayy thanks so much for doing this tag! =D I was really curious to learn more about you! Heh of course I consider you a blogger friend too! =) So sweet of ya.
1) Wowww somehow I wouldn't be able to part with $200 for a pair of shoes... heh I guess am more of an apparel person but lately have been gearing towards shoes... 2) hello?? no effect??! i wish i could eat french fries for a snack and say the same! X) 4)Ooo great way to improve vocab,really! so much more interesting to read fashion articles than stuff in the straits time imo. 6)aww quotes inspire me too but I haven't read a whole bunch at a go in ages...
Oh and my name's Lynnette but yeah you can call me Lynn for short if you want X)
Y.M - Where are you studying at? (:
wanling - You can check out the locations here, smmsingapore.nsf/vw-dynamic-index/F32DC65CE27E2831802575C7004D56B7?Opendocument%21" rel="nofollow">http://www.salvationarmy.org/smm/wwwsmmsingapore.nsf/vw-dynamic-index/F32DC65CE27E2831802575C7004D56B7?Opendocument!
tis serendipity - No problem! Sorry I did this tag so late, haha!
I love the multiple necklaces and the layering of the corset over the tank!! =)
Me? im studying at Shuqun secondary. dont think you heard about this not-so-popular-neighbourhood-school. HAHAHAHA.
Jessica - :D
Y.M - I've heard about it before! But I don't know where it's located at. I don't think you've heard about Seng Kang too? Haha!
(!) you heard about my school?! its located at Jurong East. Far from your school right? of course i know Seng Kang but also dont know where its located
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