Drained out.

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Top: Dorothy Perkins, Vest: Zara, Bag: Nine West, Shoes: Schu

Postat av: Laura

love your vest. great outfit! :)

2009-08-22 @ 18:56:18
URL: http://moichanelcouture.blogspot.com
Postat av: Charlene

Lovely as always!!! We miss your posts Becks! Xoxo.

2009-08-23 @ 06:23:16
URL: http://candykawaiilover.blogspot.com
Postat av: Cent

Just amazing!! We're almost the same age but you dress way way way better than i do! Hands down!! Im such a fan!

2009-08-23 @ 08:26:56
Postat av: Ilanka

Very cute, love the colorful shoes underneath the clothes!

X, fashion-nerdic.

2009-08-23 @ 13:12:25
URL: http://www.fashion-nerdic.blogspot.com
Postat av: Anonym

I just love your blog! you are so fun to look at, your smiling every time:D

2009-08-23 @ 13:54:05
Postat av: Anniken

forgot to post my name:s but, as I said, you are always looking so happy in your pictures, and you are giving me great inspiration:D

2009-08-23 @ 13:55:32
URL: http://www.annikenengeland.blogspot.com
Postat av: Y.M

I super love your heeeels! very striking! school must be keeping you busy(: but its great to take a little break once in a while

cheers! take care yay!

2009-08-23 @ 14:42:29
Postat av: Georgina

Am extremely drained out too!

Take care! (:

2009-08-23 @ 16:08:51
Postat av: Jenny

love the top!

2009-08-23 @ 16:22:29
URL: http://matchless.webblogg.se/
Postat av: rika

you look really great as usual! :) I love it! Guess we're all drained out but we've gotta keep lookin' presentable.

Thanks for answering my questions btw! Sorry for the trouble! Thanks so much! :) I love your style! :D

2009-08-23 @ 17:46:11
URL: http://projectrika.blogspot.com
Postat av: abby

is that the zara vest you bought from macau? i didn't realize that it was a long vest, it looks really nice on you.;) where was this picture taken? at your school? i'm pretty tired too, work has been...irk. haha...tc!

2009-08-23 @ 17:58:20
URL: http://writing4pennies.blogspot.com
Postat av: Valencia Lia

LOVE the pop of yellow with this outfit ! And I lve your shoes with those sheer tights :))

Your outer cardigan looks really comfy <3

2009-08-24 @ 15:57:38
URL: http://rollupyoursleeve.blogspot.com
Postat av: Ines

where can buy ur nechlace?(brand?) i love it!!!^^

2009-08-24 @ 17:28:29
Postat av: Jess

Love the how the yellow shoes pop!

2009-08-25 @ 03:28:39
URL: http://wildtortoise.blogspot.com
Postat av: Solo

You look so great on your outfit! And those shoes, cool! ;d


<a href="http://www.solofoodtrip.com/">Travel and Living</a>

<a href="http://jobhuntpinoy.com/">Job Hunt Pinoy</a>

2009-08-25 @ 09:21:03
URL: http://www.solofoodtrip.com/
Postat av: trisha

hello :) I love your shoes and love viewing your blog :)

2009-08-25 @ 15:45:02
URL: http://www.trishaindemand.blogspot.com
Postat av: bryna

cute shoes! i love how bright they are

2009-08-25 @ 16:14:32
URL: http://www.mamasarollingstone.com
Postat av: Anonym

Wow your hair got so long, it's really nice! Is that an airport, or are malls really that huge over there?

2009-08-25 @ 18:36:20
Postat av: Kat

Cool outfit. That pop of yellow down there makes it unique.

2009-08-25 @ 23:34:55
URL: http://mangolanegirl.blogspot.com
Postat av: camerafilmroll

abby - This picture was taken in the airport. And yes, it's the vest from Macau! (:

2009-08-26 @ 16:46:52
Postat av: camerafilmroll

Ines - Thanks! I got it from a local cartshop.

2009-08-26 @ 16:47:14
Postat av: camerafilmroll

Anonym - Haha, it's the airport! Thanks! (:

2009-08-26 @ 16:47:35
Postat av: camerafilmroll

Laura, Charlene, Cent, Ilanka, Anonym, Anniken, Y.M., Georgina, Jenny, rika, Valencia Lia, Jess, Solo, trisha, bryna, Kat - Thank you all for your comments! (:

2009-08-26 @ 16:48:53
Postat av: tis serendipity

Ahhh i'm totally loving that vest of yours! =) Did you get it recently? I'm totally looking for something like that in black haha... ooo how's that blogshop idea of yours coming along?

it's been awhile since i've commented xp my apologies! been so tired out with school so haven't had much time for blogging and stuff.

you sound like you've been really busy with school too! haha that challenge you guys had to do in class sounds like a bit of a project runway task...

2009-08-28 @ 18:14:41
URL: http://tisserendipity.blogspot.com
Postat av: camerafilmroll

tis serendipity - Hello Lynn! My mum got it for me recently in Genting, heh! The blogshop idea has been put on hold because I've been too busy with schoolwork! ):

I guess schoolwork is really boring us down. Haha. Good luck with school, you! (:

2009-08-30 @ 17:20:25

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